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The Future of the Tutors’ Association

The Future of the Tutors’ Association

As a parent, you know that keeping your kids active is essential for their health and well-being. But did you know there’s a fun and easy way to get them moving that doesn’t involve running around the park or pounding the pavement? It’s called yoga, an activity that kids of all ages can enjoy. So if you’re looking for a new way to get your little ones up and moving, look no further than the International Day of Yoga. On June 21st, take some time to celebrate this great activity with your family by doing some simple yoga poses together. Not only will you be getting in some exercise, but you’ll also be bonding with your loved ones. So what are you waiting for?…

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Your Choice of Learning at Home

Another great benefit of progressive teaching for kids is that it helps kids learn how to learn. Progressive education emphasises teaching students how to think and providing them with the tools to do so effectively. For example, progressive teachers encourage their students to observe and experiment, ask questions, solve problems, think creatively, and communicate their ideas. By helping kids develop these skills early on in their education, progressive teachers are setting them up for success in school and life.

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It helps students learn how to think for themselves.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, solve problems, and think creatively in a progressive classroom. This emphasis on critical thinking skills helps students develop into adults who can make informed decisions about their lives. Additionally, by teaching students how to think for themselves, progressive educators are helping to create a more democratic society.…

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Are Private Tutors Really into Some ‘Arms Race’?

Are Private Tutors Really into Some ‘Arms Race’?

In the real world, people often have to work together to solve problems in the real world. Progressive educators believe that it’s important for students to learn how to work together cooperatively. To support this type of learning, progressive classrooms typically feature a lot of group work. Students might be asked to complete projects or assignments in teams, for example, or to participate in debates or discussions with their classmates.…

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Storytelling at Math Lessons

Storytelling at Math Lessons

Whether students are learning about math or reading, the progressive teaching for kids approach can keep them more engaged in the classroom. This is largely due to the dynamic nature of progressive education, which allows students to participate and make decisions that affect their learning. By ensuring that each student has a voice, teachers can help ensure that all students are fully engaged in the classroom.…

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Adults Who Return to Get Education

Adults Who Return to Get Education

In addition to improved academic skills, students taught using a progressive approach can also develop better social skills. This is because progressive education encourages collaboration and communication between students. As a result, students who are taught using this approach learn to work well with others and to express their ideas clearly. These are valuable skills that can be beneficial in the home, school, and eventually in the workplace.…

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